Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Holidays from a GB (AKA good boy)

Happy New Year!
I had a very busy holiday. I have published some pictures showing most of what I have been doing.
I had to have some teeth removed. It earned me a lot of love and attention and extra food, so it was not too bad.
Great news...I got a new water bowl for the recycles water. I meowed for one with food, but dad got confused (not sure how), and got me the water recycler. It is about the size of a shop vac, but it will be fun to play in when mom and dad go out of town. It makes a funny noise and something is always moving in it.
Also, I have a new favorite blanket. It resembles a large animal. It has taken me some time to warm up to it. Sometimes I am still afraid it will attack me when I am napping. I try to jump up and catch it off guard....but I never can. I have been looking for another one for myself!
That's all for now...more later!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

MY NEW PAL, Junior.... and the Biggest Loser Finale

I went to the vet yesterday. I have been sneezing a lot and mom was worried. She did not know that cats always sneeze many times in a row. Also, she thought I lost weight. I have her fooled because I gained a little. I love Dr. Ulmer, my vet, and she loves me, but I did hear something about not feeding me so much. They had to put a muzzle on the dog next door....which leads me to my new friend, Junior. This is a picture of me getting to know him. I was a little skeptical at first, but I really like him now. He is really soft and he does not bark or bite or anything (and I mean anything!). He is quite different than other dogs I have met. Also, he is not as finicky as my sister and he does not bite me on my ears.

Also, I like rice pudding a lot. I had some yesterday. It made me chase the imaginary cats around the house, so I am not sure if mom and dad will let me have it again. Also, I watched the Biggest Loser. I am so happy Michelle won. I did not like that mean girl. She even scared junior!
You can check it out here

Yeah for me!!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know I did! My sister and I got to ride in dad's car which is so much fun...well, for me. My sister, Shayna, get real meowtional. She drools and foams and the mouth and looks like an alley cat with rabies. I know that a car ride means new smells and new tastes and lots of great things. Also, did I mention that there were pies in the car...I LOVE new smells. I posted some before and after pics of me....I overate...what's new....
Did I mention where we were? We went to the desert (Palm Springs area) to visit Aunt Louise, grandma and grandpa. We had lots of fun. I got a lot of attention which I love and need.
I am very happy that the Oklahoma Sooners beat those cowboys...what is up with their mascot? It looks like a nightmare cowboy...anyway, off to the BCS championship we go! Boomer Sooner!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

FACEBOOK nightmare!

Mommy got a virus from FACEBOOK on her work computer. She and daddy spent lots of time on the phone with Sarah Superstah.

I hope I don't get the facebook virus!!!!! This is a picture of me worn out listening to the phone call.

More later.....too tired to type!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I feel hurt and crushed (like a grape) by some news I have just discovered. I have stood by Deanna Pappas for two seasons of the Bachelor and Bachelorette and she has now left one of my own gender broken hearted.

How can a human be so hurtful. Even I know this type of behavior means I will not get any extra treats!

Watching the election results come in....

This is me last night watching the election results. Dad played softball last night and mom was working. I was holding down the fort 'til we all came back together to see what was going on. I was most interested in Proposition 2 in California, so I could not leave my favorite chair. Man oh man, am I tired (and hungry) this morning.
You can review California election results here:
Let me know what you think!
You can always email me at

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It has been a hard morning! Mom and Dad left to vote very early and they would not feed me. I am just sitting here in my bed, waiting to be fed.
I continually ask myself this question. Where is the love for a hungry boy?
I am dreaming if Elegant not the musical kind.