Happy New Year!
I had a very busy holiday. I have published some pictures showing most of what I have been doing.
I had to have some teeth removed. It earned me a lot of love and attention and extra food, so it was not too bad.
Great news...I got a new water bowl for the holidays....it recycles water. I meowed for one with food, but dad got confused (not sure how), and got me the water recycler. It is about the size of a shop vac, but it will be fun to play in when mom and dad go out of town. It makes a funny noise and something is always moving in it.
Also, I have a new favorite blanket. It resembles a large animal. It has taken me some time to warm up to it. Sometimes I am still afraid it will attack me when I am napping. I try to jump up and catch it off guard....but I never can. I have been looking for another one for myself!
That's all for now...more later!